Monday, March 07, 2005

Today, Dick and I had to chase Chelsea around with a pan to catch her urine. I wish you could see her face when we try to do that. Dick says she probably thinks we are perverts.

We were successful. Unfortunately, Dr. John has found white blood cells and crystals in her urine so we need to take her in tomorrow morning for x-rays on her bladder. Hope he can fix her. I know she really feels that she has to go BUT she is exhausting me. I'll keep you informed.

Had bible study this morning and Rhine Plymouth club meeting tonight. So this has been a busy day.

Dick found another recipe that he wants me to try. Since the Castillian Chocolate and Churros, he feels a little more confidant. The new one is Chorizo Noodle Casserole. It looks quite "warm" but good. I am sure the Noodle is what caught his eye. You know the Kunerts and their pasta.

Desmond Tutu says "Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."

I have always opperated on the premise that you might as well
"bloom where you are planted." You are where you are and if you don't like it - change it.



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