Thursday, March 17, 2005

St. Patrick's Day. I walked in Plymouth. The weather really cooperated today. The temps were a bit cold but it was sunny and there was no wind. I put long underwear under my sweater and was able to walk without my jacket so I could show off the beautiful sequinced vest and hat that Dick bought for me. They are beautiful - Black sequins with green and gold beaded shamrocks all over them. I will be able to wear it for many other occasions too. Several people asked where I got it.

After the parade, I hooked up with the O'Reillys and Mc Mullens. We ate corned beef and whatever and then went to Mannings in Sheboygan for music. 52 Stafford wasn't having music until evening. My sisters Dolores and Eileen and were there with their husbands Ken and Fred. The musician played the Unicorn Song so naturally, Dolores, Eileen and myself HAD to go up and do the little motion dance to it.

I came home hoarse from all the smoke but totally content. I wore the outfit to choir too and they loved it too.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you.

May the blessing of light be with you -
light outside and light within.
May sunlight shine upon you and warm your heart
'til it glows like a great peat fire
so that the stranger may come and warm himself by it.
May a blessed light shine out of your two eyes
like a candle set in two windows of a house,
bidding the wanderer to come in out of the storm.
May you ever give a kindly greeting to those whom you pass
as you go along the roads.
May the blessing of rain - the sweet, soft rain - fall upon you
so that little flowers may spring up to shed their sweetness in the air.
May the blessings of the earth - the good rich earth - be with you.
May the earth be soft under you when you rest upon it,
tired at the end of the day.
May the earth rest easy over you when at the last you lie under it.
May the earth rest so lightly over you that your spirit
may be out from under it quickly,
an up, and off,
and on its way to God.


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