Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Dick had his eye appointment today. He has to go see Dr. Aymond because there is a little clouding in his implant. We will see him on Monday.

We also shopped and went to the bank and sent a box of fudge off to Bart for his birthday. Barb said that when the Christmas box arrived, Bart asked if there was any fudge and I hadn't made any this year. So ---- I Had to do Something.

His birthday is on Saturday - St. Joseph's Day. It does not seem like 34 years have passed since I gave birth to that boy. He was a beautiful baby with a lovely clear complexion and a really beautifully shaped head. He used to scrinch his little face up into such contortions that my neighbor, Joyce, called him Mr. Magoo. I kind of miss my babies.

Have a nice Wednesday. Dick and Jim are going to Oneida so I will have a few hours alone. Then Dick and I are taking Mother out for Thai food and then to see the Sting.



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