Tuesday, March 01, 2005

March came in windy. Does that count as coming in like a lion? I hope so because going out like a lamb sounds mighty good to me.

I got a call at quarter to 7 from the bell choir director. We are playing on Sunday at 10:30 and they decided to have another practice. Oops. Noone told me. I had to leave very early because of the council meeting. I was in the middle of putting an at risk baby quilt together and decided that I wasn't able to rush out that quickly.

Picked up Market Day today. Dick is kind of interested in the mini omelets I found. I checked and they are made of egg whites so should be very low in cholesterol and are very low cal and low fat too.

We are still on Paul First Letter to the Corinthians. We keep reading things that make him sound like such a woman hater and such a jerk. However, we have decided that we are glad that we are into this one and have the study guide that we do. We are finding out that, surprisingly, Paul was quite liberal - for his time. He does say that women should not come to meetings with uncovered heads or with short hair.

But in his time- uncovered heads and short hair were the badge of prostitutes and lesbians. Also, we have to realize the custom of the day called for covering of a woman's head. That custom is the one that carried over until not all that many years ago, of a woman having to cover her head to enter church. I remember veils, hats and in a pinch, kleenix or a handkerchief being used.Men, on the other hand - were not to cover their heads and were to keep their hair short. Custom again.

However, he speaks of both men and women equally with the gifts of prophesy, teaching and all other ministries. Something unheard of in the Jewish custom but often found in the pagan religions.

So he is still a mystery. But I like him better than I used to. I will have to let my friend, Sue Lacke, from the Wednesday Morning bible study, that I am seeing Paul to be more human and a bit less bigoted than he first appears to us.

Dick Jr. called tonight to talk about their trip to San Jose. They got to go to the Winchester Mansion. Somewhere I always wanted to go.

Have a nice night.


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