Thursday, December 02, 2004

We have our first snow, such as it is. There is a definate dusting all over the place which I believe will be gone by morning. Poor Cheslea will be very disappointed. She DOES love the snow.

A dog had followed his owner to school.
His owner was a fourth grader at a public elementary school.
However, when the bell rang, the dog sidled inside the building
and made it all the way to the child's classroom before a teacher noticed
and shoo'ed him outside, closing the door behind him.
The dog sat down, whimpered and stared at the closed doors.
Then God appeared beside the dog, patted his head, and said,
"Don't feel bad fella'.... they won't let ME in either."

I totally forgot to post yesterday. I really don't know why.

I did do something really goofy. I keep track of the appointments and showed Dick's appointment with Dr. Phelan, his primary physician, for 10:00A.M. Well, we got there and found out that we were supposed to be there 9:00A. M. We were able to reschedule for 1:45PM. but that wiped out most of the day. I did get the Buckeye's all mixed and rolled and was able to dip them all today.

Then I had to take the stocking and the Folk Art Nativity that I made down to the Sheboygan Armory for the Festival of Trees. I will go again once or twice on the weekend with either Dick or Bobbie or both. I was able to do the designer vote, but it is very confusing and everything is not set up that early. There are some really beautiful trees, wreaths, stockings etc. Last year, the even made over $90, 000 for the designated charities.

A quote from Cadfael Book of Days

Official justice does not dig deep, but regards what comes readily to the surface, and draws conclusions accordingly. A nagging doubt now and then is the price it pays for speedy order and a quiet land.

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