Thursday, December 23, 2004

Because I have choir tonight, I am going to post early. It is about 1:30PM and the temperature has risen from 3 degrees this morning to a rousing high of 11 degrees right now. The garage had dropped to 31 degrees. I actually am grateful right now as I look at the snow that is causing such difficulty in many parts of the nation. However, we must be aware, as we snuggle in our warm homes that there are still homeless out there and these snows in some of our usually warm states are likely to be catastrophic. I understand that the shelters are really stretched. I also heard that - in this cold - Chicago did another sweep under the overpass bridges and again found homeless. Seven in fact that they are trying to direct to help.

Many years ago, while I still lived in California, and the boys were three and seven, my ex husband, the boys and I, flew here to Wisconsin for Christmas. It was a wonderful trip BUT I don't think the temperatores were higher that 3 degrees the whole time we were here. When we stepped out of the airport and ran to my sister Nora's car, the boys actually wailed with shock at the cold. Most mornings the temperatures were 15 to 16 below zero. Not many of the homes on the street that I grew up on had garages. Cars were just parked outside and it was quite an adventure in the morning as people got ready to go to work or school. If one person got their car started, they helped jump the others or whatever else worked to get them moving.
My three California boys really got an education and my ex husband did not drive as he was nervious about ice and snow, for good reason.

It was a wonderful Christmas though and a really special memory.

Take care, stay warm and remember those who are less fortunate.



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