Monday, October 04, 2004

We had a very stimulating bible study this morning. We finished the current study of Psalms, having covered Psalms 1 - 72. We discussed the fact that the Old Testament seems often not to make any sense. I know that the bible is the word of God but - as Fr. Gene pointed that the Old Testament prophets told the people that in order to take possession of the promised land they must go in and kill every man women and child, burn the towns to the ground and salt the earth so that nothing remained. Did God really say that? or perhaps power hungry leaders. We must keep those lessons in mind. There are those who say the same thing about Iraq. But that is not right. It is not right to destroy a people for a principle or impose our ways for the sake of oil or power.

We are supposed to get a freeze tonight. I brought in the plants that I am really worried about. Tomorrow we shop, I get a haircut and got to see Dr. Casey for a neck adjustment. Busy days.

My friend Janet Thomas sent me several quotes about women by famous women. I loved the following. "Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually shut the bitch up with cookies." Helen Hayes. Do YOU believe that. I always liked her.



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