Monday, October 25, 2004

One week from tomorrow is the election. It seems rather early in the month but with the old rule - The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November - that is the big day. I am settling in on my choice. I have found some sites that are giving me the candidate's positions on the issues.

One rather interesting site is It has a quiz and compares the candiates postions and the church's positions to your answers. Quite revealing.

Tomorrow we are going grocery shopping. I need to get lemons and raisins. Believe it or not I need both those things to make the Marigold Wine. I finally have enough empty jugs and all so I can get to work on it. I figure I'll be able to make two or three gallons of it. It really is one of my better scratch wines. Next summer it will be ready. Ask for a sample.

Remember the ponchos that were popular back in the 70s. I crocheted a ton of them but did not KEEP even one. They are back. I think I will make another one. They were nice. I have a little yarn to start with and can pick up a skein or two to finish it. I haven't crocheted since I make that afghan for Bobbie a few years ago.

Have a nice evening. I am going downstairs to work on my table runner.



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