Saturday, August 28, 2004

We bottled the Gewurztraminer today. We now have 25 bottles down in the "wine celler" aging. It is a kit and tastes OK right away but does definitely improve with age.

Bobbie brought over a BIG batch of elderberries, so I will start a batch of that next week. I must check the recipe before I dive in. I name the elderberry - Roberta Red - for Bobbie, who contributes the berries. I will have to look for a picture of Bobbie for the label this time. It is a absolutely beautiful red color.

Tomorrow I work at Rhine Plymouth Field and Stream. It should be a fairly quiet day at the club. Maybe I'll bring my pistol and shotgun. If it is quiet, I can shoot a round or two of one or the other.

Celtic Mass and Faire is coming fast upon us. The Mass is going to be beautiful and the committe and I are pleased with the entertainment and food being served afterwards at the Faire. We are having a big raffle. The first prize is a trip to Ireland for two. If anyone wants tickets, let me know. They are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00.

May the wind be always at your back.



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