Monday, July 05, 2004

Whew. What a full day.

Yesterday, Bobbie gave me enough of her rhubarb for two gallons of wine. When I was looking for the recipe, I found a recipe that I apparently had printed a couple years ago for Lemon Balm Wine. Lemon Balm was in my brain because my brother George is going to work in Mother's herb garden and one of his major tasks will be to dig out most of the lemon balm. (For those of you not familiar with lemon balm it is a herb that smells wonderful much as mint does. However, it will take over a whole garden if left to its own devices much as mint will and has been known to pop up far away from the original planting. I have been trying to keep mine in a pot on the deck but it keeps appearing in odd places in the gardens.) Before he dug it up, it I decided to harvest enough for a gallon of wine. If it tastes good, I will make more next year. I will let you know.

I also washed and chopped the rhubarb and put it in the freezer. Now when we get back from Sault Ste Marie, I can start that batch. The recipes say that it is best to freeze rhubarb before making wine from it. I would imagine it breaks down the fibers a bit.

Then tonight, I went trap shooting with Rosalie. I met her two daughters, Laura and Lana. they are both lovely and one of them looks just like her. Rosalie shot two 21s. Pretty good. I shot a 14 and followed it up with a 10. My improving is slow but I guess I am getting there. After vacation, I think I'll go to Rhine on Sundays and see if I can practice if Bill is there. He is a guy who teaches high school trap shooters and is very helpful to me.

No word from Oklahoma. I am really afraid to call. Please pray that the house was approved and that they are moving in.



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