Saturday, July 31, 2004

Saturday was nice. It used to be that Saturdays were the only day I had to really get housework done. Now that I am retired, it has become a day to kind of catch up and get ready for the next week. I did quite a bit of sewing too. I am almost done with the crane wall hanging. I should be able to finish it tomorrow.

I wrote a poem today also. It is still too rough to share with you but I will finish it soon and intend to send it to the poetry contest at Irishfest. I send one whenever I know about the contest. I couldn't find any notice of one last year but this year it has reappeared. Dick doesn't want to go to Irishfest. I know why - the crowds and all the walking.

I learned basic sewing from Mother when I was a teenager. I made some of my clothes. Grandma Bowser was a really excellent seamstress and make clothes for us too. I remember a dress I had when I was young that she make for me, It was made of the most beautiful silky, almost oriental, material that showed green, red and gold as the light hit it. It was not gawdy though which is difficult to understand and the dress was very elegant.

I remember an outfit I made that was a jumper type. It fitted up over the rib cage and when I put it on it fit perfectly. However, it did not allow room for expansion and I almost sufficated before I got the darn thing off because I couldn't get a deep breath in. Never could figure out how to fix it.

Tomorrow I will call both the boys. I will let you know how they are doing.



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