Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Mark Russell has a new show tonight on PBS. Haven't seen him and his politically humorous music for a long time. He looks older. For years he didn't seem to change much. But he looks old now. He sounds the same and his humor and songs are just as pertinent and funny as always. So far he has touched on Condoleezza Rice and homosexuality.

It was a beautiful day. If this keeps up, Dick will turn on the air conditioning. You know his theory. Furnace in Winter - Air in Summer. The Kitties will be awfully disappointed when the windows get closed. They do like sitting in them and watching all the birds out there.

I planted my honeysuckle vine and the peony. I put the peony over on the other side of the house next to the herb garden. Now if everything just will grow.

It is a time for rebirth and hope after a long dark winter. I am putting trust in the Lord that Spring will bring better times, health and prosperity.

Peace to you


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