Friday, April 16, 2004

I had lunch with the "girls" I used to work with at Wells Fargo. It had been about three weeks since I saw or heard from anybody. Within the past two weeks, two of our friends who are still working had problems which I will add to my prayer list and I hope you do to. One friend, Karen, was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to undergo a double mastectomy. Another friend, Barb, has a daughter who gave birth to a baby girl with Downs Syndrome and apparently also heart, sight and hearing problems. Lots of prayers for that little person and lots of prayers for the family. Barb said that the baby is beautiful. God always gives us something. Anyway, we will pray and try to offer encouragement.

The temperature on the car thermometer was 80 degrees on my drive back from Plymouth. This is a far cry from the 32 we had just a couple of days ago. I went out and trimmed the blossoms off of a bush in the front this morning and let Chelsea enjoy the fresh air with me. I'll bet we will both sleep very well tonight.

I read the most wonderful paragraph in a book called ANAM CARA by John O'Donohue today on the transience nature of time. I would like to share it with you.

"There was never a dawn, regardless of how beautiful or promising, that did not grow into noontime. There was never a noon that did not fall into afternoon. There was never an afternoon that did not fade toward evening. There never was a day yet that did not get buried in the graveyard of the night. In this way transience makes a ghost out of everything that happens to us."

He goes on to say that these vanished moments secretly gather in a special place. That special place is memory.

Have wonderful moments to story in your special place.


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