Saturday, January 10, 2004

Dick and I have been "dieting" all week. We decided (actually, I decided and Dick agreed to go along with it.) to go on a 1000 calorie diet for one week to get over the sugar and fat saturation of the holidays. It has been surprisingly easy. Even Dick said that he really hasn't been hungry. And as we eat anything but just in portions and from all the food groups we have been quite happy. I lost 3 lbs as of yesterday, which is just what I had hoped. Dick says he had better have lost 20 lbs. Jim and I told him no way but we will see. At least, we haven't had sugar for a week and it will be less of a craving for a while.

Last night we had our church council holiday get together. We were even good there. And it was a nice event.

The choir will not meet or sing again until January, our winter break, so I will be going to the 8 AM mass for the time being. I really prefer the early mass anyway. Tomorrow, Dick, Bobbie and I will go shooting in the afternoon. Jim will too if he has time, but it is his Sunday to work at the Conservation club so he might be too busy. We'll see.

I saw the neatest Simply Quilts the other day and want to try it. It is a shadow quilt.

Have a nice Sunday.


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