Thursday, January 08, 2004

Chelsea has clean doggy teeth. I picked her up at about 3:30PM. She was a bit wobbly and a little glassy eyed but was quite active. They said not to feed her, but she was just begging so I gave her bits over the evening so her little tummy didn't get too full and she didn't get enough at one time to throw up. She is just fine today. I looked at her teeth and they look good. She obviously feels no discomfort because she is playing tug of war with her rag and winning.

There have been a lot of Ah Ha moments for me lately in regards to the role of women in the church and in church history. It has become very apparant to me as a result of studying the scriptures and reading many articles and being involved in many discussions that the male dominated hierarchy has done a very good job of keeping us in minor roles. Jesus didn't. If you read scriptures, you hear that the women were at the foot of the cross when the apostles were in hiding. It was the women who went to check the grave and discovered AND announced that he was risen. Who prepared the meal for the last supper? Lots of things to think about.


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