Sunday, December 21, 2003

Sunday all day. I baked bread and went to church. As I said it is the last day of Advent and we sang some really pretty Advent Songs, Climb to the top of the Highest Mountain and Creation Will Be At Peace. Did I tell you that one or our choir members, Andy Gremminger and our director Steve Naffin are doing a bit of writing for the Psalm refrains. We are very proud and the music is really beautiful. Well, on Thursday we get to try our Christmas voices on the congregation.

I am reading a marvelous book called Celtic Christianity by a Timothy Joyce. Some of the points he brings up are really making me think and giving me small Ah = Ha moments. This is one of them. He said he has felt more spirituality in a pub than in some churches. Then he comments. "Of course, there can always be a case of too much spirits in a pub, but you can also have too much religion in a church!"

By the way, my brother Jeff sent me the nicest e-christmas card that I would like to share with you. just copy the following into the address box.

Have a good week


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