Sunday, November 16, 2003

Bret is HOME!!!!!! I called this afternoon and he was even visiting at Tony's house, so he can do whatever he wants. The doctor said that he had one little vessle that was misbehaving. The angioplasty probably has fixed it but if not they will just cut it off. His heart was never a problem which is so great because he is much too young to have heart trouble. He will go to work tomorrow. He said that his leg is not even as painful as when they did the angiogram. Yeah for good doctors and for a healthy body to begin with.

Thank you everyone for your prayers. I know heaven was bombarded. We don't really have to stop you know. He is still my baby and I like for him to be prayed for.

The Packers beat Tampa Bay so this is indeed a stellar day.

Georgia O'Keefe said "I have been terrified every day of my life, but that has never stopped my from doing everything I wanted to do."



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