Monday, January 04, 2021

Warm and sunny weather

 Don't know how long it will last, but I am enjoying it.    I am probably letting Vita talk me into taking her out more than I should just because the sun and fresh air feel so good.     I still get out of breath and have to rest for some time after coming in.

It takes me until about 11:00AM before I feel like a real person.

But at least I DO get to feel like a real person.

I keep pretty busy at home alone.   It is amazing how many things come up in a retired person's life when we are supposed to just relax.    I remember that people used to ask Dick what he did after he retired.   And I quote:  'I am retired.   That is what I do."

I wish I was more like him that way, I always think I should be "productive".     Guess I really did enough of that in my 80 years:)

Love You

Dia Dhuit


As days extend to weeks

And lonliness is spreading

The soul in sadness boldly seeks

For a touch

Or For a HUG

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