Friday, June 19, 2020

Usually Oklahoma gets about 4 inches of rain in June.    BUT did it all have to come tooncet.    (Sound it out.)   It means at once. 

That is what happened.   My poor Vita is traumatized by all the rain and thunder.   Fortunately it started at about noon so she had her morning potty break before things got bad.   She is really irritated with me.  I know she thinks I control these things.

I went to the funeral of a dear friend, Curtis Dyer, today.   It was a lovely mass and remembrance.  My dear friend, Robbi, his wife will be so lonely.    I know how that is and she had no children to lift her up, so I must be sure to be in touch with her regularly for the next weeks.    We have some mutual friends who all love our Robbi so this will not be difficult.    Please pray for her and her Curtis.

Still staying safe, with masks and as much distancing as one can do at a funeral.

The rain matched my mood
Cleansing but dampening joy
I need the sunshine.

Dia Dhuit

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