Friday, January 17, 2020

We had our Lawton Celtic Group gathering at Milano's Italian Restaurant here in Lawton.    An excellent meal and service so we decided to go back there next month too.    First time for that since we lost our Irish restaurant several months ago.

I did our "program".   (we decide what we are going to talk about the next month before we leave)   I had forgotten, but I have the flags of the seven Celtic nations along with our American Flag so I brought them and showed them to everybody along with a bit of a history of each one.     There are seven , you know,    Ireland, Scotland, The Isle of Mann, Wales, Cornwall, Brittany and Galacia.
It was fun.     Everybody seemed to enjoy it.     Especially, the Isle of Mann.     Look it up:)

So a quiet weekend ahead.   Hope you have the same.
Dia Dhuit

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