Monday, January 20, 2020

The weekend was very quiet.   I went to Mass on Sunday and to coffee after mass to visit but the rest of the time was at home just puttering around.

Today, my friend, Robbi and I went to the hospital to visit a mutual friend, Pam, who is there for abdominal pain that they are trying to figure out.    Pam is a dear.   When I had my cancer surgery, she came to the hospital and visited me as a member of the parish, and she did not even KNOW me.    I have never forgotten this.   

The Utility company came today to mark off where the lines are so that they can fix my sewer connection.    Please pray that it will not cost tooooooo much:)  I expect to hear from the company and get an estimate by the end of the week.    I miss my sweetheart.    He took care of all of this stuff.

Dia Dhuit


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