Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Been negligent of posting the past couple of days.

Yesterday Quilt Guild was in the evening and I was too tired when I got home.   It was a busy day anyway.  I had made a batch of Hello Dollies for treat for the Guild.    There was so much there but they made a big dent in them.    I will take the rest to Bible Study tomorrow.

Tonight was the Writer's Club.    There were four of us there, including a new guy called Mike, who writes futuristic science fiction.      Really fascinating.    Marti and Karlos both read too.    I read the Galacia chapter of my book and tried out a couple of Christmas poems.

I have been busy around the house too.    Had to water today.   Things are so dry.   I am pretty much caught up now.    Can get to work on my projects and fun things:)

Nora called today,   we had a a good visit.   They vacationed in Italy.    Had a great time.

Until tomorrow.
Dia Dhuit

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