Thursday, March 28, 2019

A very active day, for me anyway.     I went grocery shopping this morning.  

Then when I got home and settled down, Nicky had a seisure.   He had one a couple of days go but I decided to just observe him at that time as he recovered very quickly.   This one was a bit more severe.

Cost me a fortune but he is OK.    I have a prescription to fill if he has another one.   Perhaps his heart murmur is the underlying cause.    I had his teeth cleaned as long as he was put under for another test.   Anesthesia for dogs is expensive.   I probably won't have to have his teeth cleaned again.   That is expensive too.

Going to a movie called  Unplanned, an anti abortion film sponsored by the church, with my friends, Judy and Esther.    The movie is grim but the company will be good.

Dia Dhuit


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