Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Yesterday I got lab tests and saw Dr. Aye, my oncologist.   That is the doctor you met, Bill S.    She was surprised that I was alone but Bart's shoulder was really hurting and I figured I could handle it.   The tests are fine.   I will miss one week of labs as I will be in Great Britain (YEA) but Dr. Aye said that was OK.   I will also have my third Chemo right after I get back.

I am feeling pretty good, considering.   I am tired but the pains of healing in my chest are a bit less.   Even the rainy weather we are experiencing is not aggravating the pain.

Today I did most of my packing.   I will be leaving for Plano tomorrow at about 10AM and was trying to not really alert Nicky of my intentions:)    He knows something is up and has spent quite a bit of the day snubbing me.    He will be able to be with Bart and Barb this time and he does love that so I really don't feel sorry for him.   

Bart and Barb had me over for supper tonight.   Barb make soup and a delicious brownie dessert.   She is such a good cook.   Marlies was there too.    So we had a nice family evening to see me off.    Marlies will be going to Germany shortly after I get back.   We are a couple of traveling people.

Well,  You probably won't hear from me.   If I DO get into a position where I can post, I will but don't plan on it.   Suzi and I will be enjoying all we can of the trip and I will update when I get back.   I promise to figure out how to post some pictures too.

Take care of you while I am gone.  I love you all.

Dia Dhuit


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