Friday, May 05, 2017

It was a beautiful day in Lawton.   Warm but not hot.   The wind was gentle and there was not a lot of humidity.  Can we clone this?

I saw Dr. Toy today.  He has me nicely adjusted.   Now if we can get those statins out of my system and we get some dry weather, I might start feeling human again.

I have messages in to my Doctor to try a specialist and to perhaps try some shots in the affected areas.   I am not impressed with the communication between the Comanche Medical Unit and their patients.  This is at least  twice that I called in the early morning and did not hear back by the end of the day.   Very bad.  I would, of course, if needed go to emergency, but why do my medical practitioners not communicate.   I never had this problem with the Aurora System in Sheboygan WI.

At least I got SOME response. 

I will have to wait until Monday now.  Hope things at least maintain.  I can take the pain but am SO very tired.

Dia DHuit


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