Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Well, this was a dumb day.

I had an appointment for a haircut at 1:30PM.  When I got there, Kandi was not there.   She left a message that she had tried to call, but for some reason I did not get the call.   Anyway, her grandmother's funeral was today.

So I went home.   I was busy with my usual stuff until I drove over for writer's club.  Becky was sitting in the lot.   I had heard from Darian that she was not going to be able to come but had not heard that the meeting was cancelled.   We waited  bit, then went on home.  The building was locked because it was spring break.    I think we need better communication.

Tomorrow I will be home all day as Bible Study is cancelled because so many of our members were committed to something else.

I will be baking Irish Soda Bread:)

Dia DHuit


It was 29 degrees when I woke up but got up into the 60s by this evening.

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