Thursday, March 16, 2017

A red letter day!!!   The Lawton Celtic Club met this afternoon.    There were 7 of us there.  All but one of our regulars and a new person who is even interested in CWI!!!.  

Patti, one of our members, gave the talk on the Irish in Oklahoma that she had planned for January and February, then ended up too sick to come.    The talk was way way worth waiting for.   Lots of history and names to research.   What a history it is, the immigrants from Ireland and England came in waves, starting in the 1700's.    The reasons varied from land, mining (work), freedom and the famine.   Wonderful talk.    I am so pleased with our members.   We are not many but we are mighty.\

I had baked a loaf of Irish Soda Bread with raisins (Spotted Dick) for the meeting and it was well received.

This MAY be my St. Patrick's day.  I am hoping to share an Irish Coffee with my neighbor Jarrod, but it will depend on if I see him.    I may just call to remind him.  I have heard of NO celebrations in or around Lawton.  Except that the Animal Shelter has free adoptions tomorrow in honor of St. Patrick's Day.   I am not ready for a cat yet - I do say yet.     One can think about getting an animal but once you have them, they are yours for life.   So.  I'll keep thinking:)

Dia Dhuit


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