Thursday, February 16, 2017

I spent the morning at the Coliseum helping the Wichita Quilt Guild get ready for their biannual quilt show.   I had the pleasure of working in the room where the quilts were being judged and learned SO much about what is involved in judging and in what is expected.   The judges are looking for perfection but are so intent on letting each quilter know what might improve their work.

Then I came home to find that my Celtic Club was down to two people.   So I called the Center and cancelled it.   I did to to Robbie's house for tea as it would have been her and me at the Center anyway.  We had a nice tea and I gave her a Brat Bhride clothe.

Then I swung by the Coliseum to see if they still needed help.  They were all set up which is WONDERFUL.  The sooner done, the better.

Tomorrow, I have NOTHING planned.  I do want to go to the show, Just as a visitor.

Dia DHuit


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