Monday, June 20, 2016

On hundred degrees on my security system screen.   Ouch.   Went out to get the mail a bit ago with poor Nicky.   He just sat down and was very glad to be back in the house where it is cooler.

I got my hair cut this morning and then went to the grocery store.   I do want to cruise Office Max and possibly Hobby Lobby for a couple of things but decided that since it was lunch time and the heat was settling in, I was better off in my air conditioned home.

I have several projects that I am working on.   My St. David of Wales, or Dewi Sant as he is called, is getting down to the last.    He is turning out OK.   I want that for my picture of St. David in my book.

I just have to figure out how to do that.  Picasa is not working and I am trying with other programs.

I feel sometimes overwhelmed, but I can handle it.

Dia Dhuit

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