Monday, April 27, 2015

Finally, tomorrow, I get to spend a whole day at home.

Today, however, was very wonderful.    Had Bible Study this morning.  There were six of us there and we got into a conversation comparing the prejudices of Paul's time with the prejudices of today and being amazed how little has changed.   We still don't know how to deal with foreigners.   Even Leviticus 19:33-34 deals with it.  

Then went to see Mom.   She was really good and happy today.   I was able to show her the pictures and short conversations from the interview that my friend Janet did for her on my laptop.    I did not show her the full long one because she couldn't have heard it all.   She was delighted, I could see.   She loved that Aunt Kathleen was in those shorter videos and loved all the pictures of herself.  Dolores is going to ask Kurt to make lots of copies so everyone can have one.   I actually have installed it on my computers.     Mom was also fascinated with the laptop.   I showed a few pictures of  the CWI conference also.    I gave her a pretty Celtic bracelet that I acquired while there.

I took a long nap this afternoon and just put things away.   Tomorrow I will get down to business again.

Love you all

Dia Dhuit


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