Monday, March 02, 2015

This was a marathon day.   Even busier than most of my Mondays. 

Started off with my usual Bible Study.   We were six strong.   With all those on vacation pretty good.   We are still in Acts learning this week about another event in Paul's life.   These are chapters that we don't hear at Mass which is where most Catholics used to get all their bible learning.    This week,  Paul seems to be aware that he is heading to his death as he tells the people he will not be returning to them and admonished them to stay the course.

Then on to visit Mom.    I always bring communion to the Catholics there, you know. This week even my sleepy head was awake.  If she is sound asleep, I sometimes cannot wake her.   It is OK because I don't think she is aware of what day it is.   Mom and I had a good visit.    On the way to her lunch, the nurse weighed her.    She thinks she is gaining weight and is planning on dieting.  I told her that she is pretty stable, which the nurse agreed on.

Then I dropped off papers at Mark Miller, my friend and accountant's, office.   And finally home.   Lots to do here before going for my Chiropractor appointment.  I think I am a bit more sore now.   Will use heat tonight.

Finally, I went to church for the Sacrament of Reconciliation with my neighbor, Jean.   St. John's has a communal service followed by private confessions during Lent.   

Bart called this afternoon and we had a good visit.   He is quite a guy.   Sometimes he will call if he gets to an appointment early.   Passes the time and I am always glad to visit.

So I am a tired girl and will take the dog out soon and then go to bed.   He seems a bit off today.

Dia Dhuit


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