Tuesday, October 21, 2014


I was able to stay at home most of the day and in the neighborhood ALL day.  

Just after I woke up, I received a call from my niece Vikki about Jacquie.    Jacquie now has pneumonia on top of all her other heath crises and has been taken off of any life support devises.  I have been praying all day and let the boys know.   I am praying that her journey to the other side is easy.    Mother says that Jacquie has no worries about heaven as she took care of so many souls while she was able.   We have been friends for 53 years at least.   I have been so privileged.

I spent the day washing and working on paying bills and stuff like that.

At 3PM I went over to the Hurrie's for our condo board meeting.   I got home shortly after 4PM and have been pretty much lazing around.   It is nice to not have big projects for one day.

Todd called this evening.   He is doing well- he said he will call me later.   Please keep him and his Mom in your prayers this evening. 

I am done for the evening.   Tomorrow will be a bit busier.

Dia Dhuit


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