Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Last night in the U. S for Two Weeks

Just like everything, things seem so far off and then all of a sudden, it is here.

Joseph and Felicia will be picking me up at about 5:45AM.   I am all ready except for the last minute toiletries.   Felicia and I have been roommates before and do well.   Joseph will drop us off at the transfer in Milwaukee.   We arrive in Scotland at 6:55AM their time.   So we will be a long time traveling. 

I took Roxie to Bobbie and Bill's this morning.   She wasn't as noisy as she is most car rides and seemed relatively undisturbed by being there.  She checked everything out and settled in a front window for a view of the world.    She is eating somewhat better but seems to lick all the gravy off and leave the rest.   I would say she is having tooth troubles except when I gave her some nice pieces of chicken from my dinner yesterday, she chowed them down like no tomorrow.   Bobbie said the Molly did much the same when her kidneys started failing, so we will just have to make sure that SHE is comfortable and go with that.

I went to Rita's wake tonight.  The funeral is tomorrow so I am glad that they had this tonight.   I would have felt bad not to express my condolences in to the family.   Tom of course, knew that I an leaving tomorrow.

I will be going to bed soon so that I can get up with some sleep under my belt.  You probably won't be hearing from me, at least not often.   I will try to post occasionally so that you can tell where I am.  I remember one trip to Ireland, Dick said he could follow my credit card all over the island.

So until I return,  I love you all.

Dia dhuit


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