Friday, May 02, 2014


It was a chilly and drizzly day.   I don't believe that the temperatures went above 48 degrees and chilly.   We are supposed to be getting better temperatures and generally good days within the week.  I saw 75 degrees.  That would be a pleasure

A friend of mine saw worms all over her driveway and deck so I will count that as my third sign of spring.  

I was able to be home all day and do wash and prepare for New York and catch up on email.

Tomorrow is a party.  Suzi is having a "Tres de Mayo" at her home.  I will be riding down to Sussex with Bobbie and Bill.  Yea.  I really did not want to drive myself but felt that I wanted to go.

I am making cheese enchilada stacks.   I made the sauce today so tomorrow I will assemble them for baking.   I love stacks because you can just cut them in wedges like a pie.   Thank you, Tomi Kendall, up there in heaven for the recipe.

Tomorrow is Bart and Barb's anniversary.   Bart sent flowers today so that she could get them at work.   Good for you, my Bart.    I love you.

Dia dhuit


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