Friday, February 07, 2014

You did not hear from me last night because I was in Milwaukee.    I left about 3PM to get to the Irish Center for a Scottish trip meeting.   That was followed up with a meeting of the Shamrock Club.   My friend Gail had asked if I would give a talk about St. Bridget at their meeting.   

It was fun.   The club had a chile cook off as part of the meeting.  I spoke after the general meeting and people seemed to enjoy the talk.   I shared the Brigit flame and cloth with them along with a general history of Brigit from Goddess to Saint.

They even paid me.

The worst part of yesterday was this.   I got a call from Mom's caregivers.   Mom was having some spells where she kind of fades out and doesn't respond well.   I went right over.   Randy was already there and Eileen came soon after I did.   We spent some time discussing the situation, called the doctor and the VNA and finally with no direction from them called an ambulance to take her to emergency.  Dr. Hancock said to bring her in.   He did not seem to understand that it was not safe for us to try to get her dressed and then transport her ourselves to him when we KNEW he would agree that she needed help.

The decision was make after he came to the hospital to send her to Meadowview again.   Now we have time to discuss what is best for her among ourselves and with her.

I don't believe that she is safe at home alone any longer, but we will see.

So. A busy two days.

Tomorrow is the wild game dinner.   I am making a beef and Guinness Roast.

Til tomorrow.


Dia Dhuit


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