Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I was able to spend most of the day at home. Chelsea and I had a really lovely walk shortly after 6AM. Then I picked up some breakfast for Dick and me from Mc Donalds. We haven't done that for a long time and I seem to be out of milk and eggs which rules out most breakfasts. I would settle for toast and cheese or bread and peanut butter but these do not seem to thrill Dick. Tomorrow is grocery shopping day so we will be stocked up again.

After we ate I "surprised" our poor Chelsea with a bath. She is now the prettiest little doggie in town. She literally glows.

Then Dick went for a nap with Chelsea and Oscar so I did a couple of errands. I went to Amy's Mary Lee to stock up on cards because I had a $7 coupon that was expiring in a couple of days. It seems silly to throw away $7. I dropped of some clothes for Mother and Dick's old shoes at St. Vinnie's. Now I need to go through my closets and pare things down. There are lots of things I have not worn for almost 8 years, when I retired, and it is really silly to keep them any longer.

This swine flu is really becoming a thing, it seems. When I was at Mom's yesterday, she was remembering the pandemic flu that ran the world shortly after WW1 in 1918 or so. She barely remembers as she was born in 1916. They lived out on a farm that Grandpa Bowser was running and she just remembers that whole families were sick and the neighbors, like the Bowsers who were not sick, would take care of their own animals and chores and then go over to the farms of neighbors that were sick and take care of their animals and chores too. Such a wonderful cooperation. I wonder if we would do that, would we even know that our neighbor needed help.

This afternoon, the doorbell rang and when I went to the door there was standing our neighbor Jean Steiner with a bouquet of daffodils that she had just cut. I thanked her for spring and put them in a vase on the TV.

I am really having trouble staying awake tonight. BUT I am going to stay up for Dancing with the Stars. That is over when I need to take Chelsea out anyway so it is a good goal and I would like to see who is let go this week. I really do enjoy that show.

Til tomorrow then.

All my love


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