Tuesday, September 11, 2007

We had a mildly busy day. Dick had an appointment with Dr. Hodous for the callouses. The two on the right foot are looking pretty good but that left one does not seem to be healing. We have to just keep working on it and remember that as Dr. Siddique said they will not heal completely until he gets to the vein work.

We also went to Plymouth Glass and paid for the skylight for Hunters Glen Drive, so everything there is paid. The only loose end is a refund from Wisconsin Public Service. Then we will be DONE.

We stopped at Applebees for lunch and had soup and sandwich.

I did some cooking today. I made split pea and ham soup which we had for supper. It was really good. I also made a cole slaw which will be ready tomorrow. It has to "cure" for best taste. While I was out in the kitchen, I chopped and froze some green bell peppers and some jalapeno peppers for the winter. My plants on the deck are still producing quite well. I will probably get a few more form them before we get a frost.

Tomorrow we will go grocery shopping in the morning then we can stay home for the whole day. I am going to sew some squares for baby quilts. I will do that tomorrow AND the next day. I need to get one done before Becky's baby is born.

My friend Kate Herman's husband Ron is in the hospital and very sick. Please pray for him. I am spreading the word.

I remember when my cousin Patty got married. She had an aunt who lived in Milwaukee and was quite wealthy. This aunt was a lovely woman but rather big and rather overbearing. She came to the wedding wearing a fur wrap which somehow seemed to make her even bigger. She was fascinated by all of us children and when she saw my brother George, who couldn't have been over 3 or 4 and was just precious, she just swarmed (if one person can swarm) on him. He literally lost all color and tried to escape. She kept trying to hug him as he squirmed away to Mother.

Have a good Wednesday.


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