Thursday, September 13, 2007

I almost got to stay home all day. Dick had two errands but they did not take long.

I finished cleaning the garage and did a bit of garden work today. Time to trim things and to remove some of the plants that are about dead before the frost comes and one can't get them out of the ground. I made some shelves to stack the planters on in the garage. I am going to try to keep some of the herbs through the winter. Last year I almost made it with the rosemary.

I sewed a bunch of squares together for the quilt and we filtered the Chokecherry wine, so it was a busy day.

It has been cool and crisp in the mornings when Chelsea and I go out for our walk. Her coat is all grown back now, so she is ready whenever the really cold weather comes. And we know that it will. Mom and I were lamenting the small signs of change and then realized that it is, after all, almost mid September.

I roasted veggies on the grill along with Italian Sausage patties to serve with mashed potatoes. I will roast veggies more often. They were really good. I soaked peppers, green, red and jalpeno, onions and fresh pineapple in olive oil, pineapple juice and fresh rosemary. Num Num.

I read a quote in the Catholic Herald that I think is worth repeating. No credit was given but it was in quotes so I will present it that way also. "When walking through hell, keep walking!" Good advice.

Take care



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