Friday, June 22, 2007

We went to Hunters Glen today to run the water and check things out. I cut the spent blooms off of the peony so it does not look so scraggly and dug up some oregano to plant here at Tallgrass. The ground was SO dry that I didn't get much root. I hope it is enough. Might be because oregano is really tough.

Tomorrow If it doesn't rain, I will water the garden areas here. They still look pretty good but by tomorrow will be parched.

I cleaned the kitchen this morning. Office Max delivered Dick's new chair. It needed to be assembled so we spent the second half of the morning doing that. He likes it. It has good back support but he liked the seat and the arms on the old one better. We will work on that.

Tonight I worked on the quilt. I am finishing up the binding, then it will be done. Unless something unexpected happens I will be done and can post a picture on Sunday. Then I need to decide what I will be doing next. I have one more quilt top done and have a Cathedral Window started. Well, we will see.

I heard on the news today that a study in Norway has concluded that the oldest sibling generally has the highest IQ. I find that quite believable.



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