Monday, January 29, 2007

Another of these hectic days that we will be going through for the nest 10 days or so.

It was COLD when we got up at 5AM. I took Chelsea for a quick walk and we got kinda dressed and went over to Valley View for Dick's first intravenous. Just before we left one of the lenses fell out of his glasses. (Go Figure) When we left the hospital we swung by the Eye Clinic to check their hours. Finding out that they open at 8:30, we stopped at the Subway for a breakfast sandwich (Dick promised to take me out for breakfast every morning that we have to get these treatments.) (Where ever I want to go. Cool Huh) Filled the gas tank and then went home.

I showered and took Dick to the Eye Center. They fixed his glasses and we proceeded to Walgreens. They had called really early and told us that they would replace the testing strips free of charge. They do not want the other strips back so we will donate them to the diabetes center at Valley View. I am sure they can use them for demos or perhaps there is someone who needs them that cannot afford them. Anyway, Dick is back to testing. He only missed one day.

I dropped Dick at home and went to Blessed Trinity for Bible Study. We had a good group. Ione was back. She was ill for two weeks. They think they have figured it out now and it will be better for her. We had a good discussion about the readings which dealt with people who are called and don't feel they are worthy. It seems that being worthy doesn't matter if you are chosen. We also decided that it is very easy to believe when you are full of love and a message that really hits your emotions. It is also pretty easy to believe when you are really in trouble and have nowhere else to turn but to God. It can be harder to remember to believe and pray when everything is normal and mundane. It takes a great faith to see God in the ordinary.

After study I visited with Mother for a while and updated her on everything. She is looking great.

This evening we went for the intravenous early because they had to take a blood test to check the (I think) heperin level. The tests are picked up at 4:30 so we went in at 4:00.

Tomorrow, another 6:15AM session and we have to go and have Sue check his bl00d count. With all the antibiotics, I imagine that things are going to be really screwed up. Well, One step at a time. I just hope this gets the infection out of those legs. They are still red and crusted in spots. I am really anticipating the diabetic class that we will attend on Wednesday..

I'll lean on you and
you lean on me and
we'll be okay

-- Dave Matthews


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