Tuesday, November 14, 2006

This was a rather disjointed day. Dick did not really feel up to par and ended up taking an afternoon nap, which is very unusual.

He slept this morning until about 8 (of course, that does not factor in how little if any sleep he got during the night) Then we took out the trash and transported Chelsea to Kettle Moraine Veterinary Clinic to get updated on her shots and introduced to her new "health care" experts. Dr. Quilling confirmed that she does indeed have a heart murmer and feels that this is probably the reason for her seizures. He feels that since she is so alert and likes her walks that we will not medicate her. He has suggested that her teeth, obviously full of tarter, be cleaned as he has seen tooth infection cause a lot of trouble. Also had her nails cut as this is easier on me. I get so scratched up from her when she paws at me to get my attention or tell me that she loves me.

We left there and headed to Sheboygan Falls to take Mom some wine. I was amused when she said that at her card game yesterday she mentioned the "tragedy" that had occurred that morning when the wine crashed in the street. She found it funny that they all were so concerned until they heard the punch line.

Then home again.

I spent a good chunk of the afternoon mixing the meat and veggies and assembling and baking the pasties. (You bake them for 30 minutes then freeze them. To prepare you put the pastie on a greased cookie sheet in a preheated oven and bake, from frozen, for 50 minutes.) Since I was grinding stuff, I ground some extra carrots and made a carrot, pineapple, raisin salad. We love that and it lasts. I had quite a bit of the meat and veggie mixture left so I am going to make hash for supper tomorrow night. A pork,beef, potato, carrot, onion hash SHOULD taste mighty good.

Tonight I went over to St.John's and met Marlene and Ceil to attend Fr. Van Beek's Adult Education. They supply the bible and he speaks. He is a good preacher. Tonight's class was on infinity, light and always from above. I learned a lot. About Trinity, Jesus and have some really great reference notes. Did you know that Ruah means the Breath of God? It is a pretty word.

Now I am home and winding down. Dick took me out for dinner. We went to the Wilderness and I had liver and onions. Very tasty. too. Dick got lake perch and said it was good too. We always have so many leftovers. We brought home chili AND part of our entree.

Tomorrow morning we go to the Clinic and have Dick's blood checked. It will be interesting to see if the adjustment Sue made had corrected his count.

Have a good Wednesday.



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