Thursday, November 16, 2006

It was an eventful day today. At least for Chelsea. She had her dentistry work done today and (poor little thing) had to have one of her molars removed. She is a bit demanding tonight. When she got home she drank and drank and drank. Probably didn't have a drop at the vets. So she is needing to go out a LOT. We think she is also in a bit of pain now that the anesthetic has worn ovv and she is feeling that hole in her gums.

Well, this will be the last time. She will be way to old when her teeth need cleaning again.

It was rather cold today. We had to add air to most of our tires , should have thought of THAT while it was still warm. We also went grocery shopping. I tried to think of everything we need for Thanksgiving as our next shopping day is supposed to BE Thanksgiving.

Today I made the cranberry relish and mixed the pie crust dough. My pie crust dough can be kept for quite a long time. It is a recipe that I got from my dear mother in law, Lil Johnston many years ago. We are going to have pumpkin pie and Figgy Hobbin for dessert on Thanksgiving.

Years ago when Bret and Bart were little. Turkey was for Thanksgiving. The Johnston's always had turkey for Christmas too. After a few years, we decided to spend Christmas at our own home so the kids could enjoy their gifts and all. One year Bart asked why we had to have turkey for Christmas too. He asked why we couldn't have a special meal like Crab or something. So from then on, we did. I would fix crab legs, shrimp and (for my ex and the boys) steamed clams (I couldn't stomach the clams myself. They are all right in chowder but not steamed.) It became a rather fun tradition.

We Kunerts eat whatever the cook decides to prepare on Christmas. It is fun. And we take turns with who has what each year.

Saturday I will go deer hunting. Wish me luck and dry weather.



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