Monday, July 10, 2006

Three meetings today. Whew!

I had Bible Study this morning. We had a new member of the parish, a gentleman named Joe, join us today. That was nice and good for Tom Keyes, who has been our only regular man in the group. It is really useful to have a nice diverse group. We had a lively discussion about free will and predestination. It is easy to see why predestination would be accepted by some people because God, after all, DOES know everything. However, I believe that we still have free will and can turn Him down if we choose to. And I do not believe that we end up "saved" - I believe it is a work in process. We need to trust God to give us what we need, and I have never been disappointed, but he also expects us to use the talents that he gave us, to get up off our butts and do what is practical and necessary for our good and the good of others in our life.

Then I stopped at Mother's and visited for a bit with her and George. George and Betsy will be heading back to Houston in a few days. They will be spending more time with Shawn and Sara in Chicago before they head back.

Home again to fix lunch for Dick and me. Then on to Writer's Club. I read my poem about the Red Winged Blackbird and shared the picture that I took. They suggested that perhaps I should send it to Birds and Blooms the magazine.

Home again. We had steak, leftovers and corn with peppers and onion for supper along with the last of the apple pie.

At 6:30 Bobbie came by and picked me up for Rhine Plymouth Field and Stream meeting. It was quite uneventful and we were able to get out and on our way home by 8:15PM A minor miracle. John, our acting president, is good about keeping people on the subject and not letting them ramble on. Bobbie and I are insisting that there be a new Secretary and Treasurer for next year and a nomination committee will be established. Three years is quite enough.

Cadfael's Book of Days today says. "Rest easy, for God is awake." Isn't that comforting.


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