Monday, December 19, 2005

I am all done with the decorating except for spreading candles around. I think it looks mighty festive. Then tonight I joined a crew at church and we did much of the decorating for Christmas there. We exchanged the purple ribbons in the wreaths with red and took down the purple hangings and replaced the Jesse Tree with the Nativity Icon. Friday, we will put up the creche and trees and finish all the beautiful things.

Tomorrow, I have to get my hair cut. The next day, Mother goes to the eye doctor and Thursday, we shop. I need to be sure to have my list complete because I don't want to make another trip after that.

We had meatloaf again tonight. Tomorrow, we will have meatloaf sandwiches. One of the main purposes of meatloaf is the sandwiches. My ex husband did not like meatloaf. Isn't that the silliest thing you ever heard. However, his mother, who was a very good cook, made awful meatloaf. She bought the cheapest meat available and served it in the pan she cooked it just oozing fat. As I said she was a good cook. You could not beat her chili or her pies. I use her pie crust recipe.

We bottled the current wine - finally and now I have gallon jugs so I can start a scratch wine. Either lemon balm or marigold. I also have wild grapes to brew.

We will be busy with wine all winter.

It was 1 degree when I woke up this morning. This is January weather. Wonder if this will last ALL winter. Where is global warming.



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