Sunday, October 02, 2005

Another beautiful day. Chelsea and I had the BEST walk this morning.

I met my cousin Mike, his wife Kellee and their children, Katie and Shawn for breakfast at Harry's Diner before they had to leave for the airport. Patty's funeral was yesterday and it was a lovely day for it. I guess everything went quite well. We had a nice visit this morning anyway. Mike still works for the airlines. He flies and also does some training. The children are busy in school and sports and whatever. They are beautiful children and very well behaved.

Then I went to church and this afternoon, Jim and I went shooting. This week was a big change from last week. I felt it was worth the trip to Rhine. My scores should be up. But that really BAD one from last week is definitly going to bring the average down. I shot a round of trap too and got a 16 again. Not bad but I hope to see some improvement as time goes on. Tomorrow is the club meeting. I am ALL ready. The minutes are copied and I updated the membership list with our two new member.

Please pray for Bart and Barb this week. They are facing health problems and need all the help they can get.

Take care. I read somewhere that we should live every day, as full of truth and kindness as we can, as though is were our last and to arise each day as if it were our first and a new and precious beginning.


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