Tuesday, April 26, 2005

I have had a very "needy" kitty today. Needy is Jim's term for the kitties when they get on the lap and won't leave while demanding a lot of petting. Surprisingly it was Roxie who isn't usually too interested in me. She is sleeping on the desk under the lamp right now. We really have been exceptionally lucky with the cats. One really never knows when one gets adult cats from the Humane Society.

We grocery shopped today and also bottled the Chablis. We got 25 bottles. This batch is from a kit. I think I told you that we bottled the Chokecherry yesterday. That is a scratch wine and we got 5 bottles from the gallon. I did a gallon batch of that earlier in the season too.

We will be starting a batch of White Zinfandal tomorrow. The trick is to keep it maturing rather steadily. It is lots of fun to share it. The grape wine from the wild grapes that I got from Dolores and Ken will be ready in May. I am really excited to try that. It is really the only true "wine" that I have ever made from scratch. In theory wines are made from grapes.

the most important tip....

LADIES- Don't throw out all that leftover wine. Freeze into ice
cubes for future use in casseroles and sauces.

REAL WOMEN- Leftover wine??

Have a fine Wednesday,


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