Thursday, June 03, 2004

The quote in Cadfael's Book of Days was short and to the point today.

"Draw off, and try something else, but never give up."

Great plug for perserverance. People talk about giving up but life keeps going on with or without them anyway. I read a book by Nancy Snyderman, a doctor who used to do medical specials reports on Good Morning America. The book is Necessary Journeys. In it she recounts a time in her life when she was informed that she might have a fatal illness. Her memory of leaving the consultation was quite descriptive. She noticed that all the people she encountered were just going on with their business, the sun rose and set. People kept shopping and raising their children and just went on as if NOTHING was wrong. And she felt a little confused and angry that this was so. Didn't they realize what was happening to her? Some journeys just have to be taken alone and then the quote is a good thing to hang on to.

I also liked this one. "Don't tell God how big your problems are. Tell your problems how big your God is."



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