Monday, February 09, 2004

It has been a long three days. For anyone who reads this that I haven't contacted. My son, Bart, is in the hospital. He was admitted to St. Luke in Milwaukee and transferred to the Mental Health Unit. He is suffering from severe acute depression and it has absolutely devastated him. This has been building up since he had the back surgery five years ago. He has struggled with constant pain and become a perscription opiate addict. Hopefully, now that the problem is recognized, he will get the help he needs. The doctors say it will be a long road, as they need to get him off the drugs he is on and reintroduce SOMETHING that will help control the pain and they need to treat the depression.

We need prayers. We need a LOT of prayers and I ask you humbly for them. I read my Cadfael Book of Days and again it is appropriate.

Feb. 8: "Reverses are sent to us so that we may overcome them, and no one can presume to escape such testings for ever. The loss can be borne."

Feb. 9: "Know that you are not alone."

I pity those who do not know the presence of Jesus. He is my strength. I think that Bart and Barb have had quite enough "reverses" now and need some good things to happen. They WILL bear the losses but really need some gains now.



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