Saturday, January 17, 2004

Yesterday, Dick and I went to see the Return of the King, the third part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. It certainly was spectacular and wrapped EVERYTHING up true to the books. Dick thought it went on a little too long but they had to do that in order to finish the story. We both decided that Sam the Hobbit was a bigger hero than Frodo. He was loyal, strong, full of love and practical.

Jim, Bobbie and I went pistol shooting at Rhine again. Friday is league night. My first target wasn't too good but I improved on the last two. I guess I wasn't locking my wrist. Steady is GOOD.

It snowed all afternoon and last night. The world is glistening white all over. Chelsea loves it but even she got tired walking through those drifts this morning and was more than willing to head back before we went our full mile. We went out before the plows so there were at least 3 to 8 inches with the drifting all the way. Noone else was out this morning, I only saw one set of footprints the whole way and only two cars leaving.

I am going rabbit hunting tomorrow morning with my brothers, Jeff and Randy, and friends Leroy, Dennis and maybe Vic. We had fun last year which was my first time. It is supposed to be cold and windy. I don't look forward to that, but we dress warm and the walking seems to keep a person warm too. It is such fun watching the dogs find and chase down the rabbits. Dennis Behr has two dogs and they are so good.

The 26th annual Deeley Wild Game Dinner and Beer Tasting Contest is scheduled for 2/14/04 at my niece, Denise's house in Manitowoc. I am bringing the Venison roast. I think I may do it as a Texas Rub. That is so tender and moist and flavorful. The winner of the previous year's beer tasting always hosts the next year. This is Denise's 2nd win. The ladies are doing quite well. We have a traveling trophy that started with a pewter mug and has been expanded by adding bases over the years. I am never eligible because I don't drink beer.

The Mouse That Roared

Some Guinness was spilled on the barroom floor
When the pub was shut for the night,
Out of his hole crept a wee brown mouse,
And stood in the pale moonlight.

He lapped up the frothy brew from the floor,
Then back on his haunches he sat,
And all night long you could hear him roar.
"Bring on the goddamn cat!"

Have a great day


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