Monday, June 29, 2020

Another hot day, but the next two days are projected to be even hotter.    I will have to take my Vita for her long walk in the morning and short walk her the rest of the day.    I know, I know, she has a perfectly good backyard which she loves and explores and pees in but she does not like to do her serious business in it.     A good doggie goes for a walk with her Mama and poops.    Then Mama picks it up in a bag and throws it in the trash.     Nicky was that way and I don't know how, but I hage this little Vita doing the same thing.     I know it is my fault but such is life.

Kept myself busy today.    I saw Dr. Toy this morning and he says that I am doing well.    Still on a two week recall, but he is pleased with what is happening.   He calls me his Wild Irish Rose.

Got a call from Marti, one of my fellow writers.    Karlos, her husband and a fellow writer, is trying to find a spot for us to gather again.    There are only six of us, so it is at least feasible.   Hopefully we will start again next Thursday.     I need people even six feet apart and with masks on!!!!

Marti is now brave enough to go to church next Saturday.    That would prepare her for the Writer's Club.

I think we will be several years before this is all resolved, but we need to get on with life with protections and consideration for each other.

Dia Dhuit


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